Solutions > Life Sciences

Presentation Management Powerpoint Plugin For Healthcare

Shufflrr turns long, complicated decks into readily accessible and impeccably

organized slides that can be used by MSLs, Speaker Bureaus and AdComms alike

Stock photo of presentation to MSLs and doctors
Presentations created
0 million
Presentations given
0 million
Hours saved
0 million
Screenshot of Shufflrr's builder

Brand (and unbranded) consistency and compliance

PRC guidelines in every deck

Your product’s brand messaging and PRC compliance rules are on-point.  Shufflrr’s centralized slide library links slides and forces disclosure statements into presentations.

Publish presentations

Control permissions

Delegate who has access to content, and how they can use it.  Shufflrr manages who can view, re-use, edit and share presentations. You can rest assured that the right information stays in the right hands.

Screenshot of Shufflrr's permissions on the folder

Actionable reports for smart decisions

Presentation insights

Shufflrr tracks all user, slide and file activity. Run custom reports for insight into speaker activity, slide and file productivity.

Always up-to-date, on-point, and compliant

Slide updating

With automatic slide updates, new content is pushed out from the parent (aka master) PowerPoint slide to child presentation created in Shufflrr.

Stock photo of presentation being given
Case Study

Innovative Science Solutions Increases FDA Approvals for Pharma Clients with Shufflrr

Speakers are always presenting in high-pressure situations that require them to think on their feet and retrieve content quickly. One misstep can drastically lower the odds of approval – costing companies millions of dollars

–Steven M. Weismen, PH.D

See what Shufflrr can do

But that’s not all, folks...

With Shufflrr you get full Enterprise Storytelling and Presentation Management capabilities. 
Read on to learn about what else we can do for you.


Create cohesive AI presentations in a flash.


Publish with confidence, ease and AI support.


Make your slides smarter (and more sales-savvy) with AI.

Get started with Shufflrr

                           You can create a Shufflrr site and experience its benefits instantly!