Product > Developer API
Our API is exhaustive, allowing reproduction of all features and functionality available through the web interface. Integrate Shufflrr with any data or content platform to keep the latest figures in your sales team’s hands at all times.
Shufflrr documentation is available at ReadTheDocs. Access full exposed endpoint details via our Swagger API page.
For API development assistance, please contact
Shufflrr provides case-by-case assistance creating custom integrations for enterprise clients in all industries. Because all Shufflrr functions can be used in automation, data modeling is best done as necessary. View the library to get started.
The Shufflrr Uploader tool is a modular app which instantly and recursively uploads or updates all files in a chosen directory to the specified Shufflrr folder. Using the library, the core requests required are made simple and data is extracted using JSON lenses.
Shufflrr provides plug-and-play Presentation Management integration with the platforms you already use. Enable the Shufflrr data integration in your platform and discover the benefits in minutes.
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