Discover in the pages of Presentation Hell how Shufflrr founders, James Ontra and AlexAnndra Ontra, unveil the secrets to transforming your enterprise’s presentation experience from dull and burdensome to dynamic and highly rewarding.
In the podcast “Presentation Hell,” James and AlexAnndra engage in conversations with startup business founders, community leaders, and local politicians. During these interviews, the guests share pivotal moments from their personal journeys when they discovered the power of their own unique stories.
Have you ever felt like poking your eyes with needles when creating a slide deck? Felt humiliated and deflated after given an important presentation. Or maybe just embarrassed in front of your family and friends because you’re great story fell flat? No one was paying attention.
Then you’ve been to Presentation Hell.
Post pandemic, we are all making more presentations online than ever before. So, we need new, better skills to raise our presentation game. And, since there are fewer opportunities to speak and meet in person, the stakes are higher. We can’t afford to make a mistake, fall on our face and lose that one precious opportunity to make a 5 star impression.
Even from our phones, we are carrying social media posts, pictures, videos, documents everywhere we go. Every time we pull out our phone to show and tell, we are giving a presentation. It’s another chance to make a great impression. All the world is a stage. All the world is a presentation.
Episode #101 featuring Dr. Bryce Seliger and Dr. Tiffany Cox, two influential figures in the world of music education. Dr. Bryce Seliger has spent over a decade shaping arts administration and music education, including her role as Associate Professor of Music at Pacific University and as the Founder and Music Director of the Pacific Philharmonic. Known for her innovative approaches to community engagement, Dr. Seliger has also conducted numerous orchestras in Florida and Oregon and gained national recognition for her work in contemporary music.
Dr. Tiffany Cox, a local band director at Lake Worth Community High School, brings her passion for music education to the forefront. With a PhD from Florida Atlantic University, Dr. Cox’s background includes music therapy and jazz trombone from Florida State University. Since 2017, she has inspired students at Lake Worth High School and is committed to her role as band director for years to come.
Listen to Alexanndra Ontra as she explores their journeys in music education, the challenges and innovations in the field, and their visions for the future of arts and orchestral performance.
This Podcast is sponsored by Shufflrr. Shufflrr is AI for Presentations.
Every presentation is a story, and every slide is a scene.
When it comes to sales, marketing and life in general, logic doesn’t move people – stories do. Brother and sister team, James Ontra and AlexAnndra Ontra together have over four decades of expert experience empowering teams at fortune-level companies to deliver easier, better, faster and above all, more convincing and compelling presentations. You don’t need a six-figure budget to create and give a great presentation. Nor do you need the storytelling skills of Shakespeare. Join us on our podcast where we will teach, train, coach and mentor you to nail your presentation the first time, every time, to get promoted, get hired, land the corner office, shatter the glass ceiling, get your company funded and impress your friends, and make your family proud.
Together, we will share inspiring stories, tips and tricks that will instantly elevate your presenting skills, whether it’s in the boardroom or the bedroom.
James Ontra has been referred to as intense, even a little unnerving. In reality, he’s passionate. Passionate about great presentations and their value in business.
He’s on a mission to get to the heart of why so many presentations suck and how to make them better.
As CEO and co-founder of Shufflrr, James is a trailblazer in the emerging field of presentation management. The technology he helped create is powering the presentation strategies of hundreds of Fortune-level companies.
He is helping them save millions of dollars by transforming humble, and boring, PowerPoint slides into profitable business assets.
AlexAnndra Ontra is a little on the dry side and is more laid back than her brother, James. But they make a great team. She develops presentation management strategy for Fortune 500 clients and helps them transform their humble PowerPoint slides into impressive enterprise assets.
Early on in her career, very early, Alex suffered through countless all-nighters, placing Kodak glass slides into carousel projectors. Yes, it was a LONG time ago. And it was presentation HELL! She finally got out of Hell into Purgatory when she and her brother James went into business together.
It was then that she graduated from glass slides to digital ones.
Needless to say, her journey has been quite an adventure. And her life is different today. She consults with Fortune-level clients, helping them turn files into slides and slides into exciting presentations that tell compelling, memorable stories.
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It is important to send our team a screenshot of your review. Please email it to and our team will verify it and enter you to WIN a chance in the Grand Prize Drawing for a private VIP day for a presentation makeover with your hosts James and Alex where they will coach you, one on one, where they will transform your boring story to an exciting and compelling one that lands with impact and influence everytime you speak.. In order to land next deal, whether it’s in the boardroom or the bedroom.
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