From SharePoint Slide Library to Shufflrr. The transition is smoother than you think.
It’s been several years since Microsoft officially dropped SharePoint Slide Library. If your company is like most other large organizations, change happens slowly. Old habits die hard! You’ve used your old version of SharePoint slide library until now because you need somore nimble. You’re at the point where change is forced on you.
Don’t despair. There are some nice advantages that your team will like once they have transitioned from SharePoint Slide Library to Shufflrr. Here are few key ones that you can look forward to.
PowerPoint Slides versus PowerPoint files. SharePoint Slide Library would break PowerPoint down into individual slides, with tiny little thumbnails. From a brand communication standpoint, users would not get the full context, the complete story that the presentation writer had intended. From a technical standpoint, if you wanted to read a slide, you would have to download it and open it in PowerPoint. Do that over and over and over again to build your new presentation. It’s laborious and you will end up with a bunch of slides open on your desktop that were not “right” for your presentation.
Shufflrr keeps the full file intact – the complete message. Users understand the full context in which that slide was intended. Furthermore, it lets you preview those slides directly in Shufflrr in three sizes, small, medium and large. You can view the slide, and the speaker notes right in the site. It takes seconds, not minutes. Click on the wrong slide, no problem, just move on to the next one. When you find a slide or sequence of slides of you like, just drag and drop them into the slide tray at the bottom of your screen. It’s like shopping cart for content. Doing that over and over and over again only takes a few minutes to assemble a new presentation.
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Create a new file right in your browser. SharePoint slide library required that you download a slide, open PowerPoint on your local machine and save your new deck locally. With Shufflrr, you can do all that right in the app. No client server relationship or annoying downloads required. Furthermore, once the new PPTX file is created, you can then share it with a secure link to your colleague or customer, broadcast live directly from Shufflrr and if you want to, or download the complete file.
Shufflrr supports all file formats, not just PowerPoint. You can include MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint (naturally), videos, images, PDFs, audio files – essentially all of the file formats that your team uses every day to do their job. They are all searchable, formatted as a slide so users can preview them, and can be dragged and dropped into a new presentation in seconds. It’s very fluid and easy to use.
Shufflrr visualizes the files. If it’s PowerPoint, the user can see the deck in its entirety as well as zoom into individual slides. If it’s a Word doc, then the user can scroll through the entire file one page at a time, and read through it right there. If it’s a video, they can play it. It’s all contained within the Shufflrr site. And for SharePoint die-hards, Shufflrr has a Browse view that lists the files, their tags and other properties where you can sort and filter by tags, similar to SharePoint.
Integrates with SharePoint. It’s not either, or, but both. You can integrate Shufflrr with your SharePoint installation.
It’s the best of both worlds. When the time comes to finally move off of SharePoint slide library, you are not losing anything, rather gaining productivity.