Share presentations easily
Shufflrr allows you to manage PowerPoint presentations and files with your marketing, training, and sales teams quickly and easily. Quickly search and find the exact slide, video, or deck you need and get them to whoever needs them without file loss and time-consuming emails. Know where everything is and get it to whoever needs it quickly and easily. Now that makes presentation management easy.
User Groups – You can create groups within the Shufflrr environment and invite colleagues to access, update and comment on your presentations.
Secure Email Link – Like DropBox, you can select one or many files and send a link where your recipient can download them and view them online. Unlike DropBox, you can prevent your recipient from downloading the file, so they can only view them online.
Business Social – “When your sales files talk, everyone listens.” Shufflrr lets your staff “like” and “comment” on your sales and marketing files. This communication between content creators (marketing) and content users (sales) based on the exact slide or file data enhances content integrity and ensures brand compliance. Basically, when some slide is wrong, the comments will instantly let everyone know.
Shuffle slides and files into new presentations
In Shufflrr, every file and slide is formatted for presentation. So when your PowerPoint presentations and files with your marketing, training and sales teams are uploaded, users can quickly search and easily find the exact slide, video, or deck they need, when they need it. Knowing where everything is and getting it to whoever needs it quickly and easily. Now that makes presentation management easy.
Drag and drop – Shufflrr allows you to “visualize” each slide as a thumbnail image, when you like a slide, just drag it to a new presentation.
No PowerPoint needed – Shufflrr is cloud-based and easily available online. Once your files are uploaded, you can easily access your existing slide library and shuffle slides to make new presentations. Once done, you can share it online or download it as a PowerPoint. Yes, Shufflrr will even recreate a PowerPoint if you want to download one.
Show (Broadcast) Live Presentations
Broadcast your presentations online. Shufflrr’s live theater lets you invite anyone to view your presentation, where you can show them a prepared PowerPoint deck, or spontaneously present any slide or file, from anywhere in your Shufflrr library, on the fly. It changes the dynamic of a typical, passive, linear slide show, and turns it into an interactive and engaging meeting.
Present Linear – Your typical PowerPoint presentation, where slides are shown in a pre-saved sequence: Slides 1, 2, 3, to slide 4.
Present Interactive – Jump ahead or go back in your Presentation: Slide 1, 5, 8, 9, and back to slide 2. Or change the subject entirely. Shufflrr lets you search and present any slide or file in the library during a live broadcast. It’s easy for the presentation to find that one slide on the fly, and it’s seamless for the audience. They won’t see your search.

Send links to individual files or share folders among your shuffler users.

Shuffle slides and files into new presentations.

Broadcast presentations live and track user analytics.