Shufflrr & PPT Presentation Stories

Shufflrr Platform Converts From PowerPoint to HTML

Digital Media in presentation management shines most during the presentation development process where teams save thousands of hours per year because their digital content is at their fingertips. It’s not just the individual slides which are viewable and ready to be used; it’s the content within the slides and relevant metadata as well.

Move beyond the idea that your PowerPoint presentations is simply a slide presentation. The content of your slides—words, images, videos, animations—can be repurposed as media assets embedded in your website, blog, and other marketing materials. These digital assets become universal enterprise tools.

Presentation management of your digital assets transforms the scenario of having a drawer packed with files into one where the necessary files are organized and readily available on your desk.

When files can’t be easily found, it often seems more appealing to recreate the content rather than spend minutes or even hours searching for the right materials. The usefulness of presentation management doesn’t end at the close of your meeting or videoconference. The same digital content that served you during your meeting can be repurposed for your blog or website, enhancing your integrated marketing strategy.

Shufflrr’s proprietary PowerPoint to HTML conversion process is nuanced and powerful. Create stunning, animated presentations and immediately insert them into your website. With presentation management, you can create digital content for the web without any knowledge of animation or web development. This allows anyone to create presentations that function as videos, clips, animated tutorials, or standard slide deck-oriented presentations.

Create your presentations in PowerPoint or within your Shufflrr portal, share them on your website or blog using an embed snippet, and let Shufflrr do the heavy lifting. Your presentation will be seamlessly converted to HTML and will be immediately visible on your site. If you need to make changes, simply edit the presentation, and your website will automatically reflect those updates. It’s a seamless process that will leave people wondering which complex web tools you used to create your content.

Consider the SEO benefits: If your presentation is published online in HTML format, it can be indexed by search engines, driving organic traffic to your website, increasing engagement, and converting leads into clients (for all you marketers out there…).

Take your PowerPoint skills to the web without needing to learn code, animation, or video editing. The result is visually stunning, fast, and can make a significant difference in how you bring your digital content and products to your audience.

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