Listen to James Ontra and AlexAnndra Ontra discuss presentation management, communication strategy, content longevity, and much more in these guest podcast sessions with key players in the field.
Presentation Hell Podcast Series On Apple Podcasts by James Ontra & AlexAnndra Ontra
How To Close The Deal With Sales Presentations.
AlexAnndra Ontra: Transform Presentation Slides Into Your Best Business Assets
Presenter Strategies That Actually Work! – with Shufflrr President, AlexAnndra Ontra
AlexAnndra Ontra speaks about the journey behind developing a global corporate strategy. Listen in to hear the story and advice that brings a business from an idea to international adoption.
AlexAnndra Ontra reinforces the critical importance of interactive presentations in marketing meetings. Presentations are a sales and communication tool, but they’re transforming and evolving in enterprise today.
Learn about presentation management with Shufflrr, discovering your next lead, and closing sales with an effective, fluid sales funnel in this month’s podcasts.
This month is all about sales. Sell through storytelling, closing deals, and making effective use of your sales content library. Squeeze the juice out of your company’s assets; don’t waste time or money when you should be making money instead.
Let’s talk software. What does it take to build and grow a software company? How does building a story and understanding your clients play into crucial growth milestones? All this and more in this month’s podcasts.
Exploring how Shufflrr can work for your organization is easy. Just click to book a free demo or download our AI-powered plug-in for Windows.
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